Granite City Folk Society
Pete Nelson at Bo Diddleys – SOLD OUT
Bo Diddley's Deli 129 25th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN, United StatesNelson has been entertaining audiences with rock band The Receders, folk ensemble Mill Creek Irish and mixed-genre trio Nelson Hamilton.With distinctive vocals and top notch finger style guitar in the folkrock genre, Pete Nelson has wowed music lovers since his MinnesotaState Fair talent show debut at age 17. Since coming to the St.Cloud, Minnesota area in the late 1980’s, Nelson has beenentertaining audiences with rock band The Receders, folk ensembleMill Creek Irish and mixed-genre trio Nelson Hamilton. With hisunique musical touch Pete continues to create personal connectionswith those who come to hear him. His music just gets better withtime.Pete will share with you an evening of original songs as well aspersonal favorites by artists that have most influenced him as amusician. He welcomes special guests Sandy Hamilton and LaurieNelson.
Split Bill: Gathering Wool / Ben Ranson
Bo Diddley's Deli 129 25th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN, United StatesSplit Bill: Cathie English with Randy Mickleberg / Ben RansonGathering Wool plays contemporary folk music with Paul Drinkwine, Cathie English and Randy Mickelberg.Led by Cathie English, who is a folk singer/songwriter in Central Minnesota, writing beautifully crafted songs.********Sebeka artist Ben Ranson plans to put on a performance where you can listen to the world of central Minnesota through the eyes of this quirky storyteller.Ranson said he has a funny set that's left people laughing until they cry. The content is often filled with tales gathered up from the local area. His performance on Saturday will be a special one indeed as it will be filmed for a special promotion of his latest albums.Ranson is a nylon-string, finger-style guitarist and comic singer-songwriter from Sebeka, Minn. He calls himself a “folksinger,” but he is much more than that. His songs about potato inspectors, love, taxidermists, garbage men, grasshoppers, and other unusual subjects are sure to speak to way and life of those that know this area well.“I write about the world as I see it, where I live it, from my point of view," Ranson said in a Cultural Center news release.
Peter Mayer at First Presbyterian Church , St Cloud
First Presbyterian Church 340 5th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN, United StatesPeter Mayer is a magician. His universe is full of metaphor and meaning, story and symbol—everything contains more than meets the eye.”Minnesota's Peter Mayer has been singing and songwriting full-time for over 20 years, performing in venues across the United States and beyond. He writes songs for a small planet--songs that celebrate life on earth and the mysterious and wondrous fact of our existence--songs about the vast cosmos that surrounds us and how we are a part of it all. He also writes songs about dress hats, pumpkins and pajamas, and even love and freight trains just like a good folk musician should. His music has been performed by artists like Kathy Mattea, David Wilcox, Claudia Schmidt, Anne Hills, Priscilla Herdman, Darryl Purpose, Billy Jonas, and Ronny Cox, to name a few. His work has been included in song books, church hymnals, and folk radio playlists across the country. Peter has eleven albums to his credit, and has sold over 100,000 of them. He lives in Stillwater, Minnesota with his wife and two daughters.