Eli Gardiner
“…a voice that conveys the pieces inside of us that can’t always speak. Relatable, soulful, and honest,… a modern voice to old problems that continue to haunt our society.”
Mac and Cheese
Pete McCauley and Tim Cheesebrow bring old tunes to life and have a great time doing it. A Folkin’ Good Time!
Tom Dahill and Ginny Johnson
Tom and Ginny bring alive the soul of Ireland. Performing tunes learned from the old masters, they delight audiences with passionate reels and playful songs.
Too Broke Blokes
An Irish and bluegrass inspired folk rock band, formed by lifelong musicians who accidentally met at the Minnesota Renaissance Faire.
Pop Wagner & Adam Kiesling
Spend a Splendid Evening with Pop and Adam!
Mac and Cheese at Dubliner
Pete McCauley and Tim Cheesebrow bring old tunes to life and have a great time doing it. A Folkin’ Good Time!
Acoustic Homebrew at Dubliner
Groovy takes on trad Celtic music, jazz, folk rock, classic rock, and originals
Tom Dahill and Ginny Johnson at Dubliner
Tom and Ginny bring alive the soul of Ireland. Performing tunes learned from the old masters, they delight audiences with passionate reels and playful songs.
Too Broke Blokes at Dubliner
An Irish and bluegrass inspired folk rock band, formed by lifelong musicians who accidentally met at the Minnesota Renaissance Faire.
Acoustic Homebrew at Dubliner
Groovy takes on trad Celtic music, jazz, folk rock, classic rock, and originals